
2021 - Silver

A Better Kinder Awesome

Silver 2021
Sgt Purple / Brainheart

Spencil makes quality, affordable school gear to aid parents to raise happy kids. As competitors harness kid pester power, Spencil stays committed to supporting parents.

‘A Better, Kinder Awesome’ is a super positive tagline that captures the DNA of all Spencil products. Using a stunning colour palette, we designed an ecosystem to reinforce the goodwill of Spencil and empowered positivity across the age groups.

Central to all assets, the logo forms the shape of a stylised happy face. The mouth and circle shape can be used as a simple embellishment in various executions. The logo is joyous and flexible with the purpose to inspire and create happiness. The tagline has tactical flexibility based on where it’s used, such as envelopes and packaging.

Bespoke symbols and embellishments provides freshness to each channel. Eco-friendly tote bags, biodegradable plastic packs and drop tags reinforced Spencil’s commitment to helping parents raise thoughtful, knowledgeable citizens.

Advertising agencySgt Purple / Brainheart
CopywriterRem Bruijn
Art directorLieve Torbeyns
Graphic designerLieve Torbeyns