
2021 - Finalist

CE Slashes

Finalist 2021
Michael Thomas
Cutting Edge
‘Sparks’, ‘Lava’, & ‘Pinball’

*This non-commissioned project is being submitted under ’Self Promotion’. The work was used to promote the sound team at Cutting Edge showing off their skills and craft through various social media channels.*

These were short social films displaying CE VFX and sound design work. The sound design of these pieces aimed to enhance the onscreen by presenting the ’Slashes’ in different worlds – which included composing 4 small snippets of music for each of the ’worlds’ in ’Pinball’, crafting the sound of the electrical reactions within a specfic space in ’Sparks’, and designing the sounds of viscous liquids for ’Lava’.

Creative directorZenon Kohler
Soundmusic studioCutting Edge
Sound designerMichael Thomas