Over the last few years, BET (named after their Breath Enhancement Training program) had expanded their business offering, providing world-class programs that combined rigorous research, emotional and physiological intelligence, and inspiring mindset and wellbeing practices. As a result, the team needed a completely new brand identity to reflect this evolving direction.
BET was no longer just about breath. They existed to help everyone, from elite athletes to corporate teams, to realise their full, human potential. A new name, HUPO (HUman POtential) was developed and a new identity and system for their world-class programs, EPIC, YPB, BET, and The Shift.
The new HUPO wordmark referenced the original BET name, while allowing a naming system to seamlessly extend from the master brand. This includes sub-brands, iconography, and brand expression all of which helped HUPO move on from being seen as just breath workshops to an offering suitable for the corporate market.