
2022 - Finalist

Tafe Queensland Website

Finalist 2022
Tafe Queensland

People in industry, teachers, and prospective students (+parents) needed a better way to interact, explore and connect with TAFE Queensland. The outgoing website was struggling to deliver across brand & campaign alignment, engagement and ease of navigation.

Working with a research partner we delivered a UX structure for testing with research recommendations being implemented prior to moving onto UI and design. The result, a highly customer-centric website, drawing user types through to relevant content, while providing clarity on who TAFE is and why they matter.

**The result:** People interacting with TAFE now have a tool that enables them to quickly learn from and communicates the brand effectively. This is evident from the tracked results.
* +50% increase in student enrolment enquiry conversion rate
* Return visitation increased by 22%
* Pages per visit grew by 45%
* Reduced bounce rate from campaign driven traffic showing brand and creative better aligns with in market campaign assets.

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