On April Fool’s Day Subway made a joke: a hotdog the size of a Footlong. One dedicated fan, Dave Thompson, threatened to never come back to Subway if we didn’t make the Subdog for real.
So we turned a social post into a brand new Subway product. The Subdog.
When we launched the Subdog, we took over a whole store, dedicated to welcoming Dave Thompson back to Subway – making him the first person to try the new LTO product. Staff T-shirts. Store Signage. A live brass band. A guy in a Subdog suit. We even took over billboards with dedicated messages to Dave on his route to the store. All for one guy with a dream of enjoying a Subdog.
The product launch was amplified on social, TV, OOH, radio and digital. Making it the most successful LTO in Subway Australia history – selling out before campaign end.