To demonstrate a production companies diverse story-telling talents, we found a heart-felt personal ad written by a 50 year-old Iranian immigrant and let three directors tell his story. The heart-felt words of a 50 year old Iranian immigrant were to be the ‘script’ for three films. This would be a challenge and a the ‘hook’ for the industry to turn its attention to a production company. Launched with a trade press ad, the campaign invited the industry to watch three ads, for one man, designed to find him love. This was a premise we knew was too enticing to resist. Interested parties were directed online to watch the films and find out more about the back story. From here the campaign spread to posters, digital pre-rolls and naturally, PR. Within weeks website traffic had tripled and Facebook click-through rate had exceeded by 403%. In fact, 1 in 3 YouTube viewers chose not to skip, but rather watch all 2.30 minutes of the film clip.