We’re ready

Finalist 2019
next Thursday

Advertising Agency next Thursday
Creative Director Andrew Iles
Copywriter Andrew Iles
Art Director Andrew Iles
Agency Producer Dan Adler
Account Service Dan Adler
Production Company 3P studios
Director 3P studios
Producer 3P studios
Cinematographer 3P studios
Post Production House 3P studios
Editor 3P studios
Visual Effects 3P studios
Sound/Music Studio 3P studios
Sound Designer 3P studios
Other Contributors

Students form ACPA

Entry ID 26687

ACPA, The Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts, required a video that showcased their purpose to send to Government Departments, and could also be used as a recruitment video. The 90 second video was filmed at the Judith Wright Centre using actual students. The concept was to film a day in the life of the centre, behind the scenes, rehearsals, the nerves, rituals of students from all disciplines. Actors. Singers. Musicians. Writers. Dancers. This was more powerful than show casing the end performances, which most of the recipients had already seen. One of the actors narrated the script. The music behind the footage was from an ex-student – a grand piano in the basement was dusted off and after showing him the edit, he tinkered, warmed up and played a classic. Every second was used. Even the mistakes. That was the point. It was wonderful, encouraging and extremely positive.