No. 3’s

Finalist 2019
New Word Order
Queensland Urban Utilities

Advertising Agency New Word Order
Creative Director Scott Oxford
Copywriter Scott Oxford
Art Director Andrew McGuckin
Agency Producer Scott Oxford
Account Service Catherine Booth
Client Marketing Manager Karen West
Illustrator Kimberly Schieren
Developer Nicholas MacArthur

Entry ID 26888

Kids and adults alike flush things they shouldn’t down the toilet. This costs Queensland Urban Utilities—and, eventually, each of us—a fortune. We needed to make people question something they prefer not to talk about in a way the whole family or household can discuss, act on and enjoy. Fun, relatable and a nice twist on the slang we use to describe our toileting, we asked the now seemingly obvious question: What’s a No.3? The illustrations were key to winning the pitch and central to the campaign uniqueness and all age appeal.